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Simply College By Bri
Welcome to Simply College By Bri!
0.1 Hey there... welcome!!! (0:55)
0.2 Join the exclusive Facebook group
0.3 All the product recommendations from the course!
Organizing Your Classes: a LIFE CHANGING system to get your planner together
1.1 This is a MUST HAVE printable for organizing your classes
1.2 The single most important thing you need to do in your planner
1.3 The best 2 planners you should buying for college
1.4 The planner system that is going to SAVE your this year (2:27)
1.5 Applying this system to YOUR planner
1.6 The best way to actually add your assignments to your planner (3:18)
1.7 How to use your planner to actually be productive (2:30)
1.8 How to figure out what materials to use for each class
1.9 Organizing your class materials: part 1 - digital
1.10 Organizing your class materials: part 2 - paper
1.11 The final (MOST IMPORTANT!) step about to keep your classes organized
Organizing Your Schedule: the 7-step google calendar system that is literally genius
2.1 How to get your calendar set up
2.2 Do this to have an organized google calendar
2.3 The most important step for your calendar
2.4 GENIUS system to organize your classes on your calendar
2.5 How to organize your entire life all on google calendar
2.6 The one thing every person needs to have on their calendar
2.7 The secret to ACTUALLY using your calendar
Organizing Your Lifestyle: 9 tips you need to know to be a productive college student
3.1 Intro to organizing your lifestyle
3.2 My secrets to surviving mornings at college (6:00)
3.3 This one tip will make your room look 10 times better
3.4 This might be the most important system in the course (5:40)
3.5 How to actually use to-do lists the right way in college
3.6 The secret to preventing procrastination
3.7 What to do when you get burnt-out in college
3.8 GENIUS study tips to help you throughout the semester
3.9 The one system I live by in college to stay productive
Organizing Your Dorm Room: the best secret to organize these 6 categories in your dorm
4.1 Intro to organizing your dorm room
4.2 The most important thing to do when organizing your clothes
4.3 How you should actually be organizing your desk
4.4 This is the easiest thing to organize in your dorm
4.5 This is the most confusing thing to organize in your dorm
4.6 The easiest way to organize all your "home" items
4.7 How to organize all the leftover items
4.8 The MOST IMPORTANT thing to make sure of when organizing
4.9 I could not have stayed organized without having this
4.10 My secret system to actually keeping an organized dorm (2:16)
You're officially organized!
My last thing to tell you... (1:20)
My last thing to tell you...
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